Howe Sound Loan Application

Howe Sound Loan Application


Community Futures lends money to smart, hard-working people in small business just like you.

We lend money to both brand new businesses and already established businesses.

Our track record for helping entrepreneurs make things happen is both long and rock solid.

If you’re a full-time resident in our community looking to move your business dreams forward, you’ve come to the right place. For over 25 years we have been here assisting entrepreneurs to make things happen.

And if you need business advice, we certainly offer that up too.

So, whether you need money, advice, or both, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!




At Community Futures we pride ourselves on our humility and our flexibility in finding innovative ways to make things happen.  We lend with compassion, empathy, flexibility, and purpose.  Because we live right here with you in this fabulous Sea to Sky community of communities and if you’re doing well, we’re all doing well.

If working with a flexible, genuine, financial organization who holds a long track record of success, is something you have always felt most comfortable with, then reach out to us and let us help you make your small business dreams happen.  And if for whatever reason we can’t help you out, we can often help find somebody else who will – we told you we were different.